Creating a Positive Mindset Blog

Are you a glass half-empty or half-full sort of person? Do you find this question hard to answer? Maybe you can think of someone is negative all the time or someone who is optimistic and positive. What is it that you think of? What do they do? How do they act?

It’s easy to get sucked into the news and all the horrible things happening in our world. When you choose to be pessimistic, you choose to be negative, to be a glass half-empty, to focus on the worst parts of things or to think the worst will always happen. I definitely feel that life is an emotional roller-coaster. It challenges us with difficult situations and obstacles
and as a family we’ve had our fair share of obstacles thrown at us lately. One thing I have come to realise is that your mindset and outlook on life can have a significant impact on your overall happiness.

Changing your mindset isn’t something that can be done overnight and everyone will be affected by negative thoughts every once in a while, but today I want to share with you some tips that I find help make me a more positive person.

  1. Positive People – I surround myself with friends who motivate and support me. People who want me to follow my dreams and who celebrate my wins. People who are kind and encouraging with their words and generous with their time. I always feel motivated and energised by positive and supportive people.

2. Positive Quotes – Have you ever read a quote and felt that it was written just for
you? I love reading quotes and sharing them daily on my Instagram page with my
followers. A lot of the time I feel these quotes are sending a little message to me. I
find comfort in reading them and I also get messaged daily from followers who say
the same and tell me that they needed to read that today. It’s amazing how words
can have such an impact and effect on us.

3. Declutter your home and mind – I always find a clean and organised home can help
me unwind and destress after an overwhelming day. Clutter and mess tends to
make me irritable and anxious. I feel when I declutter our home I am more in
control of our environment, creating a warm and calming space to live. Freeing up
your headspace of clutter can also have a positive impact on your life. When our
headspace is full it affects our performance. We are unable to function correctly.
Always imagine that you are one of your good friends; someone who is always there
for you. What encouraging words would they say to you?

4. Being kind – one of my favourite things to do is to help others. I always tell my kids it’s nice to be nice. We all know that helping others makes us feel good. It helps form new friendships, gives us a sense of happiness and belonging. The feel-good nature of kindness can definitely contribute to making the world a better and
happier place.

Appreciate Everything – We all have so many blessings in our lives to be thankful for
but sometimes it is hard to notice them. We lose sight of them or simple take them
for granted. Everyday I feel blessed for my life and the people who are in it. It’s
important to appreciate everything, even the small things!

Laughter – As a family we love to laugh and I feel having positive emotions
experienced with humour and laughter help us appreciate the meaning of life and
bring us closer together as a family unit.

The above tips are small and easy to do. Focus on the good and make yourself a priority. Do your best to cut out the negativity in your life and hopefully you will see a positive change in yourself. Feel free to pop over to my Instagram @emilyindonegal and drop me
a DM, I’d love to hear from you.


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